HERON has developed a simple and easy-to-use 1D engine simulation program for all kinds of TC engines. As the gas dynamic pressure waves have a very minor impact, the gas exchange process is calculated according to the so-called “filling and emptying method”: this method saves computation time without compromising on accuracy. The current program can be applied for diesel engines - a gas engine version is currently under development.
· No engine modelling is required - HERON delivers the costumer-tailored engine arrangements
· No additional pre- and post-processor required - HCS is embedded into Excel™
· Self-explaining input data sheet - no specific training required
· Users can extend the post-processing and data comparison to suit their needs
· HERON support included - easy file and data exchange
For more information see documentation in Downloads.
To quantify WOT power and torque curves, a vehicle acceleration program has been developed; the core program is a well-proven Fortran code while the post-processing is done in Excel™.
Under consideration of all important parameters, as
· Gear ratios and efficiencies, aero-drag, and downforce values as f(km/h);
· Car weight, CoG, base distance, tyre size, and friction coefficients;
· Gear shift strategy and duration, slope angle, ambient correction, wind speed, etc
vehicle acceleration is calculated either in part-load or WOT engine conditions for a pre-defined straight-line distance under consideration of all important parameters, including.
For more information see documentation in Downloads.